Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Stepping, but most definitely not fetching

So, file this under 'totally mundane details of my terribly fascinating life':  I am trying to decide whether or not to buy pet steps for our two Boston Terriers, Smitty and Booker.

For those not familiar, this is Smitty (in blue) and Booker (in orange):

And these are the dog steps.

Call me crazy, but I just can't imagine our two hellions (or 'terriorists' as we've come to call them) happily and calmly descending down these steps (or ramp, this model is convertible) like the doggie in the picture. These are also ridiculously expensive, so there's that.

At the same time, I fear that over time, our little ones are ruining their little tendons and joints and stuff by repeated jumps into and out of our (their) bed.

Has anyone out there purchased a set of doggie steps they've been happy with/would recommend?

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